North Star recommends the reading of this interview with Gabriel Boric the new president elect of Chile. For those who know the long history, this transformation is remarkable. We know of the Socialist Allende regime, the military dictatorship, the continuing threat to a democratic transition. Things can change. Authoritarian systems – even the military -can be resisted. We can learn from the transitions in Chile. A new generation is coming to power. Editors note; Hats off to our own new generation. Gabriel Boric, president-elect of Chile: "I don't expect the elites to agree with me, but I do expect them to stop being afraid of us"
What do you think you represent and that finally allows you to reach La Moneda? I believe that we represent a generational energy of transformation that has learned along the way to value the history that constitutes us. We represent fresh air, youth, novelty, but with awareness of the historical chain of processes. We also represent that the status quo or conservatism is the worst thing that can happen to Chile at the moment. At a time when the world is changing rapidly, Chile also has to change and adapt. We represent the strength of an era…. When we see the level of precariousness and vulnerability that the middle class has while for the richest people in this country, the place where one is born continues to determine in a very substantive or predictive way the place where one will die. And therefore the promise of equality, beyond the fact that there has undoubtedly been greater access to basic goods, enrollment expansion, poverty reduction; I believe that the promise of equality and inclusion has not been fulfilled, and therefore, that social pact is broken and we need to build a new one. Can you define that "new order"? What we aspire to is to be able to build a collaborative society, where part of its members are not abandoned or discriminated against due to the living conditions they have had to live in, and where the State is also capable of guaranteeing social rights universally. regardless of where you are born, the ethnicity you come from or the color of your skin. And that requires structural reforms. We know that these things cannot be achieved overnight, we know that surely our government is going to build on what has been built in Chile in the last 30 years, but we are also going to have a turn of the wheel with respect to the neoliberal logic of every of every man for himself in society, which is something we have to put an end to. Read more
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