Urgent. Action Needed. I and the NS Caucus urges you to endorse the resolution- Unite Against the Maga-Right as a guide to popular political participation at the August DSA convention, The resolution is here. https://www.dsanorthstar.org/blog/sign-the-resolution-unite-against-the-right If you have already signed, thank you. But, read on. We need more assistance. By this resolution DSA commits to engage in the electoral arena to fight the MAGA -Fascist Right wing in the U.S. This resolution is an application of our NS strategy for DSA. We argue that DSA should contest campaigns in the electoral season, not stand outside of electoral politics. There are competing views within DSA which we oppose. We propose to form a broad front against the US ultra-right which includes MAGA. neo confederates, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, ALEC, militias, too many Republicans, and numerous reactionary super PACs, foundations, and think tanks. The resolution also proposes improving cooperation among DSA and its sister organizations that is necessary in order to organize the broad front against the right. For your information, here is the draft electoral resolution being prepared for consideration by the national DSA electoral committee for the convention. Draft electoral resolution: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mRB4CPfimNv-7WH45I11pAnu6jgg-NF5iPNzepc_Fds/edit This proposal is radically inadequate ! Instead, we are preparing for DSA’s 2023 convention by presenting our own resolution about politically confronting the ultra-right. Notice please, in their world, there is no right wing threat. There is no danger of Maga – Republicans and the insurrectionists. There is no neo confederacy. There is no danger to democracy. There is no plan for practical, realistic, political participation in preparation for 2024. We need to get our resolution accepted by 300 DSA members in order to have an alternative on the floor at the convention. This is our North Star strategy in action. Please assist. A second resolution has been posted on our blog along with text on building a broad tent organization.. https://www.dsanorthstar.org/blog/build-a-big-tent-please-sign-the-resolution Please sign both resolutions. Ultra Right: https://tinyurl.com/dsa23UR Big Tent: https://tinyurl.com/dsa23BT You could draft your personal appeal by creating your own message using the links provided or by linking to the North Star blog. https://www.dsanorthstar.org/blog/sign-the-resolution-unite-against-the-right We need your assistance now. Please sign the resolutions. And, reach out to your friends and allies and ask them to sign. Thank each of you for your assistance in building and retaining a democratic DSA. In socialist solidarity, Duane Campbell Co chair. North Star Caucus.
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